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Social Media Portfolios: A Non-negotiable Asset

We process a LOT of social media manager applications and one thing has become very clear: you NEED a portfolio

As a virtual assistant agency, we’re always looking for qualified, talented Social Media Managers to support our clients. Every year, Virtually Yours receives 100s of inquiries from creators and it’s our job to narrow those applicants down to the very best for our clients. More and more people today recognize the advantages of working remotely, especially in creative fields. Because of this, remote creative work is becoming more competitive, making it vital for applicants to make a great first impression!

So how do you stand out as a social media marketing manager or creative?


An over-the-shoulder view of VYA co-founder Mary looking at her phone. Virtually Yours Agency's instagram page ( is on the screen.

Portfolios are an awesome way to show off your skills, accomplishments, and accolades. Far too often we receive applicants who have done amazing work, managed social media for many companies, and have not created or compiled a portfolio.

This is not only a mistake, but it could lead to many missed opportunities!

First, let’s talk about what a social media portfolio is, what it should include, and what it demonstrates.  

A social media portfolio should showcase your skills, experience, and achievements in the field of social media marketing. If you don’t have a website to host your portfolio, we recommend using a design program like Canva to create a cohesive, image-focused PDF that you can send to potential new clients (or us!).

Here are some elements you can include in your portfolio:

  1. Introduction: Provide a brief introduction that explains who you are, what you do, and your goals in social media marketing.
  2. Case studies: Include case studies that showcase your skills and demonstrate your ability to achieve business goals through social media marketing. Provide details of the campaigns—including the objectives, target audience, metrics used to measure success, and your role in the campaign.
  3. Content examples: Share examples of social media content you have created, such as posts, tweets, images, videos, and other multimedia elements. Explain the goals of each piece of content, how you developed it, and how it contributed to the overall success of the campaign.
  4. Analytics: Demonstrate your understanding of social media analytics by including examples of how you track and analyze data to improve your campaigns. Show how you use analytics to identify trends, optimize campaigns, and measure success.
  5. Engagement: Showcase your ability to engage with audiences by highlighting examples of how you have responded to customer comments and feedback on social media platforms. Explain how you handle negative comments and turn them into positive outcomes.
  6. Certifications: Include any relevant certifications or training courses you have completed in social media marketing. This shows that you are committed to staying up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in the industry.
  7. Awards and recognition: If you have won any awards or been recognized for your work in social media marketing, include them in your portfolio. This demonstrates your expertise and credibility in the field.

Overall, your social media portfolio should demonstrate and showcase your ability to create effective social media campaigns that achieve business goals and engage audiences.  

An over-the-shoulder view of VYA co-founder Katie looking at her phone. Virtually Yours Agency's instagram page ( is on the screen.

Want to see a portfolio in action?

Here is an example of what a stand-out social media portfolio might include: 

  1. Instagram:
  • Managed and grew the Instagram account for a local bakery, increasing followers from 1,000 to 5,000 in six months
  • Created and curated visually appealing content, including product shots and behind-the-scenes photos
  • Used Instagram analytics to track engagement and adjust strategy accordingly
  1. Twitter:
  • Launched a Twitter campaign for a nonprofit organization that resulted in a 50% increase in donations
  • Utilized Twitter analytics to monitor reach and engagement
  • Consistently posted timely and relevant content related to the nonprofit’s mission
  1. Facebook:
  • Developed a Facebook advertising strategy for an e-commerce business that increased sales by 25%
  • Created and managed a content calendar, including product promotions and customer testimonials
  • Monitored and adjusted advertising spend based on ROI
  1. LinkedIn:
  • Optimized the LinkedIn profile for a B2B company, resulting in a 20% increase in profile views
  • Created and shared thought leadership content, including blog posts and industry news
  • Used LinkedIn analytics to track engagement and adjust strategy
  1. YouTube:
  • Produced and edited a series of videos for a startup, resulting in a 75% increase in website traffic
  • Utilized YouTube analytics to monitor watch time and engagement
  • Collaborated with influencers to promote the videos and increase visibility
Join our team! We're always looking for personal assistants, social media managers, and more. Click the image to learn more.

In our agency, I would say 100% of the time clients will choose a social media manager who has a portfolio over someone who doesn’t.  I believe portfolios are a non-negotiable asset that we will require for applicants because of the tremendous value they bring.  If you don’t have one and you’re a social media manager or aspire to be, this is your sign! Go make one for yourself!!! 

Written by Katie Kincaid-Longhauser, Virtually Yours Agency's co-founder and business development leader.

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